Theoretical Grounds of Future Specialists in Physical Education and Sports Readiness Formation for Professional Activities


  • Olha Romanchuk Lviv State University of Physical Culture
  • Myroslava Danylevych Lviv State University of Physical Culture



physical culture, concept, readiness, professional training, professional activity.


The need for a clear understanding and differentiation of  key concepts and terms for the successful activities of future specialists in physical education and sports has caused the topicality of the paper. The purpose of the article was to determine the theoretical grounds for the training of future specialists in physical education and sport for professional activities. During the study, the following tasks were to  be  solved: to analyze scientific and methodological literature on the research problem; select and describe an array of basic terms related to the training of future specialists in physical education and sport for their professional activities. To achieve this purpose and to solve the research tasks, a set of research methods was used, in particular:  theoretical  analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization and generalization. Results. Based on theoretical analysis and generalization of the data of encyclopedic, reference and psychological and pedagogical literature, the main concepts of the educational component of the training of future specialists in physical education and sport for professional  activity  have  been described. In particular, the essence of the concepts of «higher education institution», «training», «professional training», «professional training of future specialists in physical education and sports», «professional readiness», «readiness for activity», «readiness of future specialists in physical education and sports to professional activity». We rely  on  the definition of key concepts integrated or suggested by other scholars. «Higher Physical  Education»  is  a  purposeful formation of knowledge, skills and abilities for the acquisition of social experience in achieving physical perfection. «Preparation» is a process that results in readiness. «Readiness» is considered as integrated quality of personality, characterizing its emotional, cognitive and volitional selective predictive mobilization at the moment of inclusion in the activity of a certain orientation. Under the notion «readiness of future specialists of physical education and sports for professional activity» we understood the complex of necessary knowledge and abilities formed as a result of general education and professional education, whose structural components are psychological, physical, theoretical and practical readiness.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Theoretical Grounds of Future Specialists in Physical Education and Sports Readiness Formation for Professional Activities. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1 (45), 14-21.

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