Osteochondrosis, Prophylaxis, Usage of Curative Gymnastics


  • Ruslana Valetska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Omelyan Petryk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


spine, osteochondrosis, spine health improvement, curative gymnastics, prophylaxis


In the article it is analyzed the dependence of human health from spine conditions, preconditions of violations of spine function and reason of dystrophic processes in bone and cartilaginous tissues. Attention is paid to prophylaxis of osteochondrosis, spine treatment by means of curative gymnastics. It is noted that osteochondrosis, especially of cervical spine, is the most wide spread human illnesses. Different organism’s systems suffer from this illness, but the most vulnerable are metabolic disorders that occur in cervical and loin spine. It is listed some of the factors that may bring on spine osteochondrosis: insufficient level of daily mobility that reduces intensity of diffusion of supply of spine as there occur congested effects in disks. Also, an important result is loss of training of skeletal muscles and elastic property of tendons and ligaments. Great meaning has supercooling of spine structures with development of illnesses under the general name of «rheumatism of soft tissues». Immediate effect of supercooling lies in vasoconstriction and blood circulation in capillaries. This worsens cell nutrition, causes their destruction, and products of their lysis cause activation of immune system which considers them as antigens. That is why there occur autoimmune damages of muscles and connective tissues. Damage of homeostasis as a result of accumulation of metabolic waste products, toxins, unoxidized substances in case of irrational nutrition, entering with food and water of toxins of exogenous origin, chronic constipation, dysbacteriosis. All this leads to the development of lesions of the spine: chronic psycho-emotional stress which causes tonic convulsions, spasms of skeletal muscles, and that is why it influences power of muscle and connective tissue structures. Long spine overloads in case of overweight, carrying loads, long-time sitting disturb diffusion in vertebrae; constant micro–traumatism of a spine and surrounding tissues in case of excessive movement, vibration, shock, drops. Excessive stretching and flexibility exercises in exceeding of physiological limits of elasticity and joint mobility, frequent manual therapy procedures for spine correction may cause excessive spine mobility (especially with insufficient development of muscles around it), occurrence of significant joint subluxation. It is noted that the main strategic orientations of health improvement of a spine are: special motor activity; behavior correction with taking into account the principles of safety concerning a spine; healthy lifestyle; prevention of chronic communicable diseases and their treatment; organization of a rational diet aimed at combating overweight. Systematic practicing of therapeutic exercises greatly improves the effectiveness of medicines, reduces treatment time, reduces stay of a patient in a medical bed, reduces the gap between clinical and functional recovery.

Author Biographies

  • Ruslana Valetska, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

    кандидат медичних наук, доцент

  • Omelyan Petryk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

    кандидат медичних наук, професор


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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Osteochondrosis, Prophylaxis, Usage of Curative Gymnastics. (2015). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(32), 145-150. https://sport.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sport/article/view/93