Practical Usage of Physical Rehabilitation After Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy


  • Kostiantyn Buhayevskyi Zaporizhzhya State Medical University


pelvic massage, tubal ectopic pregnancy, laparoscopy, exercise, reproductive health, foot reflexology, physical rehabilitation, fitball


The article describes the features of application of physical rehabilitation after undergoing tubal ectopic pregnancy and conducted surgical treatment of severe gynecological pathology requiring emergency care. Topical application of methods and means of physical rehabilitation after surgery laparoscopic tubal ectopic pregnancy due to the fact that this operation is performed in women of reproductive age and the number of transactions is increasing every year. It is well established by numerous national and international researches that moved tubal pregnancy, its surgery and postoperative compli-cations are numerous, in the future, for many women is the cause of tubal-peritoneal infertility. The task of this work was conducted at the research group of patients after undergoing tubal ectopic pregnancy; develop a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation, the practical application of it in the early and late postoperative periods. In the methodology of the study we presented the author’s physical rehabilitation program in the early and late postoperative periods, in which the applied methods and means of physical rehabilitation, such as different methods of physical therapy and special exercises, reflexology, massage and gynecological fitball to restore reproductive function in patients, conducted after surgery tubal ectopic pregnancy options and promoting prevention and alternative treatment of inflammatory pain and adhesions in the pelvic cavity in patients after surgery. The results obtained from practical implementation in practice of the range of methods and means of physical rehabilitation, led to a significant impro-vement of the reproductive health of women who participated in the research. In 41,67 % of the women in the study group reproductive function was restored, 18 (50 %) patients among the patients who participated in the experiment had a subsequent pregnancy and birth. In addition, involvement in research and remedial actions psychologist with carrying out the survey and correction of psychological state of patients, significantly seize the state of their mental health. Thus, summing up the results of our study we came to the following practical conclusions: carrying out of rehabilitation in patients after suffering surgical treatment of tubal ectopic pregnancy requires a set of methods and means of physical and psychological rehabilitation of patients. The proposed method is quite simple in its practical application, does not require significant financial and logistical costs, and can be recommended for its practical implementation in the activities of health care institutions specializing in the rehabilitation of gynecological patients.

Author Biography

  • Kostiantyn Buhayevskyi, Zaporizhzhya State Medical University

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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Practical Usage of Physical Rehabilitation After Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy. (2015). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(32), 140-144.