Influence of Individualization of Physical Education Process on Working Capacity of Children of School Age


  • Liubov Levandovska Kremenets Pedagogical College Kremenets Regional Taras Shevchenko Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy


teenager, physical education, individualization, physical capacity


It was defined physical capacity of teenager in the process of individualization of physical education. 148 teenager, among them 70 girls and 78 boys aged 11–12 took part in the research. Thanks to usage of individualization of approach to physical education of teenagers during educational year we have managed to signifi-cantly improve physical capacity of pupils of the main group. According to the results of defining of Ruffier test, physical capacity improved from a satisfactory level at the beginning of the study to a good level at the end of the study, and according to the results of defining of Harvard steo-test – grew up from an average to a good level.

Author Biography

  • Liubov Levandovska, Kremenets Pedagogical College Kremenets Regional Taras Shevchenko Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy



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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Influence of Individualization of Physical Education Process on Working Capacity of Children of School Age. (2015). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(32), 94-98.