The Influence of Sectional Studies with Complex use of Sports Games on the Functional State of the Cardio-respiratory System of Young Men aged 18–19


  • Inna Cherednichenko Zaporizhzhya National University


process of physical education, breakout sessions, sports, students aged 18–19, pilot program, effectiveness


The article highlights the features of the influence of sectional studies with complex use of sport games (volleyball, basketball, handball) on the functional state of the organism of young men aged 18–19 in higher
educational institution conditions. The topicality of the study is to find the most effective forms of
organization of the process of physical education of students due to a significant reduction in the volume
of traditional physical education classes at universities and an emphasis on the sectional form of
employment. The main objective of the study was to investigate the influence of the developed program
features of breakout sessions with complex use of sport games on the functional state of the cardiovascular
and respiratory systems of the body of students aged 18–19 and their level of physical fitness. It was established that during the breakout sessions on the experimental program of the students has been a
significant improvement in almost all indicators of cardiorespiratory system and a reliable increase in the
level of the functional state of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system and the external level of
physical health. It is revealed that the pace of positive changes in the body's indicators of cardiorespiratory
system of students of the experimental group were in 1,5–2,5 times higher compared with a control group of students who were engaged during the school year, one kind of sports (volleyball). The most significant positive changes were indicators of external respiration (time of breath-holding: breath and exhale, hypoxia index and Skibinski index) that need to be considered in the process of further improvement of our proposed program of breakout sessions with complex use of sport games.


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Olympic and professional sport

How to Cite

The Influence of Sectional Studies with Complex use of Sports Games on the Functional State of the Cardio-respiratory System of Young Men aged 18–19. (2016). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(34), 101-109.