Means of Physical Rehabilitation of Children of Primary School Age with Kyphotic Infringement of Posture



kyphotic posture, physical rehabilitation, aqua-gymnastics


The study involved 30 children aged 9–10 years with the kyphotic infringement of posture. These disorders require special attention, because the rapid pace of development threatens disruption of the internal organs of the body. During the study of medical examination cards of all children who were supervised, kyphotic changes in posture were determined. All children complained about discomfort in the thoracic spine, which are 60 % of patients, at the waist – 50 %, and difficulties of movement of the spine were noted by 40 % of children. The violation of posture is due to irrational mode of physical activity, lack of regular loads, aimed at developing and strengthening the musculoskeletal system. The peculiarities of age of the individual organism contribute to the emergence of posture disorders. While conducting a set of preventive and rehabilitative measures, the anthropometric methods were applied: determination of growth parameters, indicators of strength and power endurance of muscles – the extensor back; testing of posture was carried by somatoskopic method. The complex rehabilitation and preventive measures of primary school children were: gymnastics, classical and segmental massage, aqua-gymnastics, swimming. Based on the processed methodical provisions a set of special therapeutic exercises was developed. During the posture training the main task was to slow down old and to establish new connections in the cerebral cortex, with the construction of new motor ways. The formation of correct posture included: formation of a childʼs ima-gination about correct posture, correct posture education reflex, common development and create muscle corset in children, exercises which have to strengthen musclearticulate feelings. The use of physical rehabilitation allows quickly and fully restores impaired posture and positively affects the dynamics of clinical parameters, physical development of children of primary school age.

Author Biography

  • Yaroslav Filak, Uzhhorod National University

    кандидат наук з фізичного виховання та спорту, доцент кафедри фізичного виховання і спорту


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Patent № a 200 02058, MPK (2009( A 61 V 6/02. Prystrij dlya diahnostyky stanu xrebta pry porushennyax postavy. 25.05.2010, Byul. № 10 ; № 90815; zayavl. 10.03.2009.





Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Means of Physical Rehabilitation of Children of Primary School Age with Kyphotic Infringement of Posture. (2016). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(34), 76-81.