Methodological Basics of Knowledge of Essence and Mechanisms of Motor Skills


  • Serhiy Hrytsiuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


responsiveness, activity, conditioned reflex, dynamic stereotype, level of movements control, motor skills


The article reveals the problem of search of methodological approaches to formation of motor skills. We have analyzed essential peculiarities of two physiological theories – the theory of conditioned reflexes and the theory of movements build-up. It was defined that theories differ relative to explaining of structure and scheme of motor acts passing, idea on the essence of motor skills and mechanisms of their formation. But it was found out that they both are aimed at explaining the role of central nervous system in formation of motor actions and skills. It was proved that both theories are used as a methodological basis of formation of motor skills on different age stages of ontogenesis.

Author Biography

  • Serhiy Hrytsiuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

Methodological Basics of Knowledge of Essence and Mechanisms of Motor Skills. (2015). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(32), 27-31.