Characteristics of Distances of Competitions in Sports Tourism
obstacle course, cross-hiking, rescue works, competition distance, technical stages, sports tourismAbstract
In the article it is carried out the analysis and applied the method of generalization of legislative documents, scientific-research and scientific-methodological literature, presented points of view of specialists on organization of the process of preparation and building distances of sports tourism competitions. While planning distances it is necessary to take into account aims and tasks which are set before a specific competition. At the mass level – it is, first of all, propaganda of tourism and education, change of experience, and at the highest level – testing of preparedness and revealing the strongest participants and teams. In tourist competitions, during many years, there were established traditions, defined a set of stages and methodology of their undergoing, moreover, the question of participants’ safety should be put on the first place. While planning a distance it is necessary to take into account its complexity and accordance with readiness of participants to goals and tasks which are set by organizers of competitions. If less than half of the teams pass technically and tactically complicated distance, this means that efficiency of such competitions is insignificant. Here an important role is played by a competition inspector who should estimate accordance of the class of a distance with the level of preparedness of participant, and if necessary, recommend to chiefs of a distance to simplify it and abase its class. This is reached, first of all, not by change of a distance scheme, its length, but simplifying of technically complicated stages. Requirements for distances and stages – dynamism and spectacular component. While planning a distance for competitions it is necessary to take into account such factors as season, natural peculiarities of a region, natural conditions which should be taken into account depending of a kind of tourism. The most important thing while planning a distance is saving of lives and health of participants. The objective of our study is to analyze peculiarities of competition distances and technical stages in hiking. Accumulated knowledge, correctly organized competitions and planned distances would allow to define the strongest competitors, highlight the effectiveness of the training process, improve the results of performances at competitions.References
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