Peculiarities of the Teleological Foundations of Physical Education in Ukrainian Lands in the 20s and 30s of the 20th Century


  • Nataliia Saltan Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture
  • Svitlana Chervona Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture



teleology, physical culture, physical development, socialization of the person, ethical and aesthetic development


Topicality. The study of the genesis of the Ukrainian system of physical culture is important for understanding its features, establishing and preserving its traditions, and determining the role and place in the formation of the teleological foundations of the modern system of physical education. Purpose and Methods of Research. The purpose of the study consists in determining the main teleological foundations of the development of physical culture on Ukrainian lands in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century. Research methods: analysis, generalization and systematization of data; logical, problem-searching. Results of Work and Main Conclusions. The post-war division of Ukrainian lands determined the development of physical culture within the borders of different states: the USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Romania. This determined the directions of development and the target foundations of physical education as a social system. The peculiarities of these principles were manifested in the methods and means through which the goals of physical education were realized: centralization and state support in the Ukrainian SSR, and voluntarism and the cultural aspect in Western Ukraine. The development of physical culture in the specified period was conditioned by two factors parallel ideas rooted in the ancient tradition, when, on the one hand, physical culture was imbued with the idea of harmonious development of the body and spirit, and on the other, it focused on political goals and acquired a militarized character. These approaches became the basis for the formation of specific teleological principles of physical education in the 20th century, which we define as physical development as a teleological basis, socialization of the individual, ethical and aesthetic development. In our opinion, during the period of institutionalization of physical culture, the colonial policy of the states in which the Ukrainian lands found themselves and general European cultural trends led to the levelling of the cultural achievements of the Ukrainian people and the establishment of European models as a benchmark for development. Later, they were adapted to the Ukrainian national or Soviet soil. Thus, the development of physical culture in the 1920s and 1930s was based on ancient traditions of harmonious development of body and spirit, combining them with political and militarized goals. Physical activity contributed to strengthening health, preparing young people for military service and protecting the nation, integrated people into society, providing equality and opportunities for self-realization. At the same time, sports and physical culture formed moral values, a sense of beauty, harmony and contributed to the development of national identity.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Peculiarities of the Teleological Foundations of Physical Education in Ukrainian Lands in the 20s and 30s of the 20th Century. (2024). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(68), 03-09.