Comporative Analysis of School Gymnastics Teaching in Ukraine in the Second Half of the XIX – Early XX Century
gymnastics, primary school, secondary school, Russian Empire, Austro-Hungarian EmpireAbstract
Topicality. The formation of healthy youth capable of military service was an important direction of the state policy of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires, starting from the second half of the 19th century. The study of this process allows a better understanding of the mechanism of integration of physical culture into the educational systems of that time. The Purpose and Methods of the research are to determine the common features and specific features in the introduction of physical education into the educational programs of both empires; to achieve this goal, the analysis and generalization of scientific literature and normative- legal documents, the comparative-historical method were applied. Results of Work and Main Conclusions. The study showed that despite the similarity of goals, there were significant differences in the implementation of the process of introducing gymnastics into the school education system. In Austria-Hungary, gymnastics acquired the status of a compulsory discipline earlier than in the Russian Empire. The centralized educational system of the Russian Empire limited local initiatives, while the federal system of Austria-Hungary allowed regional bodies such as the Regional School Councils in Galicia and Bukovina, the government of the Kingdom of Hungary, to carry out their own legislative initiatives in education. Gymnastics classes were held once or twice a week and included general development and structural exercises, exercises on projectiles, as well as sports and movement games. Gymnastics was performed according to the Swedish and Sokol methods. Due to a lack of facilities and equipment, teachers in both empires were forced to adapt their curricula by increasing the number of exercises without the use of sports equipment, and classes were often held outdoors or indoors, depending on the season. Despite significant government efforts, both empires faced similar problems: a lack of qualified teachers, insufficient financial support, and low school attendance, especially in rural areas, which negatively affected the quality of education.
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