Models of Physical and Technical Preparedness of 14–15 Years Old Rugby Players
rugby league, training process, management, physical fitness, technical preparednessAbstract
Abstract. The need to create models of the athlete’s preparedness at different stages of sports training determines achieving high sports results. Purpose: to develop models of physical and technical preparedness of rugby players aged 14–15, taking into account the playing role. Material and Methods: to determine the model levels of preparedness in the studies the datas of ten rugby players (5 attackers and 5 defenders) of the reserve and candidates for the national team of Ukraine aged 14– 15 were selected. Model characteristics of the physical and technical preparedness of highly qualified rugby players (5 attackers and 5 defenders) were determined by the indicators of players who are part of the Ukraine’s national team. The players’ speed abilities were determined by the indicators of 30 m, 60 m, 100 m running from a high start, endurance indicators – by the results of the 400 m running and 12-minute running, speed and strength abilities were determined in the long jumping, in the triple jumping from a standing position, in a jump up from a place. Strength indicators of rugby players were evaluated in test exercises: flexion and extension of the arms in a supine position, pull- ups, bench press, barbell on the chest, and squats with a barbell on the shoulders. The special physical fitness of the players was determined by the performance of the 30-meter run with the ball in the hands, 5-minute run, and shuttle run (3x10 m) tests. Indicators of technical preparedness of rugby players were determined in such control exercises as strike the ball «high ball», catching the ball after the strike, kick and catch the ball on the move, a strike on range from the hands, «drop kick», strike on goal. Results: the study presents developed models of physical and technical preparedness of rugby players aged 14–15 depending on their playing role. The basis of the developed models are specially selected tests aimed at determining indicators of general and special physical and technical preparedness of rugby players. The developed models of physical and technical preparedness can be used in the future as guidelines for pedagogical control in children’s and youth sports schools, specialized children’s and youth schools of the Olympic reserve, schools of top sportsmanship of Ukraine. They make it possible to determine the development level of the most important motor skills of rugby players and to determine the degree of compliance with the model level. Conclusions: When comparing preparedness indicators it was established that the level of general physical preparedness of rugby players aged 14–15 was 70 % of the indicators of qualified rugby players; the level of special physical fitness is approximately 83 % of the indicators of qualified rugby players; the level of technical preparedness is on average 65 % of the indicators of qualified rugby players.
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