Criteria of Physical Activity Adequacy by Blood Indices
physical activity, motor activity, dosage, control, hemogram, healthAbstract
Topicality. It is known that physical activity (PhA) has a positive effect on the body only if they are adequate in volume and intensity to the functional capabilities of the body. Finding criteria by which one could dose PhA in sports, physical education and rehabilitation and monitor their size and effectiveness is currently a challenging issue. The Purpose of the Research is to find out the criteria for the adequacy of PhA by blood indices for the model with extreme PhA. Methods of the Research. The reaction of athletes of high qualification (HQ) and low qualification (LQ) in the conditions of extreme physical activity was studied to determine the markers of blood, according to which athletes HQ and LQ differ. Changes in hemogram parameters, platelet count and the ratio of leukocyte populations by the value of the adaptation index and leukocyte intoxication index were analyzed. Statistical processing of results was carried out, correlations were revealed. Results of the Research. It was found that changes in leukocyte parameters (increase in the number of leukocytes, lymphocytes and neutrophils, including the number of band neutrophils), as well as the value of adaptation index and leukocyte intoxication index may be an indicator of adequacy of adaptive-compensatory responses. However, based on factor analysis, it was determined that the most accurate markers of the adequacy of the body's response to the effects of extreme loads were the following hemogram parameters: hemoglobin (Hb), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), leukocytes and segmental neutrophils and leukocyte intoxication index (LII).
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