Physical Activity and Quality of Life as Components of Active Aging of the Elderly
old age, elderly, physical activity, quality of lifeAbstract
Active aging is an opportunity to realize the potential of physical, mental and social well-being in old age, with the active use of health and recreational physical activity to prolong the duration and quality of active longevity. The most important personal characteristics in this context are: age psychophysiological indicators, health status, quality of life and level of motor activity. The Purpose of the Research is theoretically substantiation of motor activity and quality of life as components of active aging in old age. Research Stuff and Methods. To achieve the goal of the study a group of theoretical research methods was used: theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodological literature, documentary papers, abstraction, logical-theoretical and comparative analysis, methods of synthesis and systematization. The Research Results. The study analyzed the policy of active aging in foreign countries, where it was found that as an active lifestyle of the elderly contributes to life expectancy. The determinants and components that contribute to active aging in old age, namely motor activity and quality of life, have been considered. It is determined that a sufficient level of physical activity is one of the priority factors that can significantly affect the quality of life of the elderly. Conclusions. It is determined that the structure of active aging is formed by labor market involvement, social integration and health level. Among the determinants of active aging in old age, physical, psychological, social, cognitive, spiritual and material are significant. Among the determinants of successful and active aging, the common components that will promote active longevity are physical activity and quality of life of the elderly. It is a sufficient level of physical activity and quality of life can be the key to active aging and creative longevity.
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