The Game as an Interdisciplinary Phenomenon of Science (Philosophical Aspect)


  • Volodymyr Naumchuk Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University



game, interdisciplinary research, philosophical approach, cognition, phenomenon


Topicality of the Research. The philosophical understanding of the game is an important aspect of its interdisciplinary research. It contributes to the comprehensive and deeper study of this scientific phenomenon, makes it possible to use its potential effectively in various human activity areas. The recognition of the game as a global and universal phenomenon, an integral part of life, means that any transformation and changes in the life of each person are directly or indirectly related to the game factor. The Purpose of the Research is to reveal the basic principles of the philosophical direction of interdisciplinary game’s studies. Methods of the Research are analysis, synthesis of scientific information on the research problem, educational literature and Internet resources. Research Results. The logic of the game phenomenon cognition is leading to the synthesis of the sciences, forming an interconnected set of scientific ideas about the game as a coherent, diverse system. The game reveals the unity of the dynamic connection between the human and the world. It makes it possible to meet and grasp another co-existence through cognition of oneself. The uniqueness of the game being is due to the ability of a person to understand the world, the ability to give some meaning to things, events and phenomena.The rules and order, making up the game space, are the essence of the game. The key of the game is not the game goal or task, but the dynamism of this process, that determines the ways of its implementation. Conclusions. Game as an interdisciplinary phenomenon of science is a comprehensive integrative factor of the existence of humans` cognition of the world and themselves. Philosophy considers the game as a worldview category, through which the understanding of the nature of the world and human essence is formed, the meaning of life is searched. The game is a fundamental characteristic of being, a universal mechanism for the realization of all things, and game activity is an effective way of combining freedom and necessity, continuous and discrete, constant and variable. Synthesizing the past and the future, known and strange, the game phenomenon makes it possible to turn probability into reality.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

The Game as an Interdisciplinary Phenomenon of Science (Philosophical Aspect). (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1 (49), 36-43.