The Developm of Poland’s Secondary Sment of the Physical Education Systechools (1918–1939)


  • Edward Vilchkovsky Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach



Poland, physical education, school, students, exercise, curriculum


Introduction. The article discusses the main trends in the formation and development in physical education of Polish students attending to secondary schools (the creation of new curricula and their subsequent modification; the development of school sports; the improvement of the material base; the opening of the first faculties of physical education in higher educational institutions to train physical education teachers) in  this historical period. The aim of the research: to analyse the formation and development of the system of physical education of students from Polish secondary schools in the period between1918–1939. Research methods: analysis of historical and pedagogical literature from the theory and methodology of the physical education system from Polish secondary schools in the period 1918–1939, which relate to the reform of school education in Poland at that time. The results of the study. After the restoration of independence of Poland, one of the main task of the government was to revive the national education. In 1918, the Ministry of Religion and Public Education was established. One of the first state decrees of February 1919 was the introduction of compulsory 7-year for children aged from 7 to 14 years of age. Physical education has become a compulsory subject of curricula for secondary schools. Physical education programs at school defined the following groups physical exercises: general development exercises; balance exercises; outdoor games; walking and running; jumps, climbing and also they included a section with methodical recommendations, instructions for the teacher regarding the exercise, planning, organization and maintenance. Finding. Physical education of pupils in Poland in the 20–30s became an integral part of the general educational process at school. The period between the two world wars in Poland was characterized by a significant increase in the interest of children and young people in sports activities. At the same time, most serious problems of Polish physical education were: lack of teachers in most schools, including teachers of physical culture; the lack of an adequate material base, the conservative attitude of the leadership of individual schools to the physical education of schoolchildren.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

The Developm of Poland’s Secondary Sment of the Physical Education Systechools (1918–1939). (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3(47), 17-22.