Ways to Improve the Activities of the Sports Arbitration System and Arbitration Courts In Sports





sports arbitration, court, sport, conflict, sports law


Topic. Modern sport belongs to the entertainment show business. It is based on commercial interests. However, it cannot exist without a close connection with the political, economic and social systems of society. It also cannot exist outside the general national legal system. In this regard, the importance of scientific research of international sports arbitration is actualized from the point of view of a systems approach. The Purpose of the Research is studying and analyzing the system of international sports arbitration as the main institution for resolving conflicts related to sports, in order to form a modern sports arbitration court in Ukraine. Methods of Research – analysis and synthesis of literary sources; analysis of documentary materials; the method of historicism; method of analogy of the studied  laws;  system analysis. Results of the Study. The legal basis for the functioning of international sports arbitration has been determined and substantiated, in particular, the features, main functions of the international sports arbitration process and legal documents regulating the activities of the court have been investigated. The ways of further reforming and improving the activities of the Court of Arbitration for Sport are presented. Conclusions. The most characteristic shortcomings of the existing system of organizing legal activities in sports have been clarified. The main cause of the insolubility of the existing problems in the management of the industry of higher achievements of sport has been established. The necessity of addressing the general theory of self-organizing systems is revealed. The proposed approach will allow us to create a more effective legal basis for organizing the system for managing the activities of arbitration and arbitration courts in sports.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Ways to Improve the Activities of the Sports Arbitration System and Arbitration Courts In Sports. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(46), 21-27. https://doi.org/10.29038/2220-7481-2019-02-21-27