Theoretical and Methodological Basics of Students’ Health Retaining Competence Formation of Higher Educational Institutions


  • Olena Ishchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Anatolii Tsos Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa



health retaining competence, physical education, health, students, methodology


Topicality. An effective way to improve the youth health is to organize an educational process based on a competent approach that ensures the physical and mental well-being of the individual. However, the scientific literature does not adequately substantiate the information on the components and methods of students` health retaining competence formation of higher educational institutions. The purpose of the research is to develop a methodology for the formation of students’ health retaining competence of higher educational institutions and to check its effectiveness. Methods of the research are the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, systematization of information, pedagogical testing, questionnaires, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation, and mathematical statistics. 480 students were participated at the various stages of the research. Results. Health retaining competence is a system of values, interconnected and mutual influenced knowledge, skills and abilities, level of physical condition, which provide a high level of healthcare activity. The value, cognitive and activity components lay at the heart of health retaining competence. The valuable component of health retaining competence implies the presence at students of stable interest and motivation to health competence activity, an active attitude to a healthy lifestyle, the ability to reflection and self-regulation of behavior and emotional states. The cognitive component promotes the formation of a system of knowledge, skills that provide a strong state of health. The active component is characterized by systematic physical exercises; the activity in heath retaining activity; using the existing knowledge, skills at students` individual work in the field of physical education. The active component ensures the successful performance of health retaining activity and it is characterized by an adequate level of physical condition and state of health. Conclusions. The formation of health retaining competence is a purposeful and structured process that involves the formation of motivation to health retaining activity and systematic motor activity, assimilation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, increase of physical preparedness and functionality.


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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

Theoretical and Methodological Basics of Students’ Health Retaining Competence Formation of Higher Educational Institutions. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(44), 21-28.