The Influence of Non-Pharmacological Aids on Training Activities of Students of Higher Educational Institutions
students, aroma oils, teraceti, training activity, functional stateAbstract
The actuality of the study is determined by the introduction of non-pharmacological aids, that include aroma oils and their compositions, into the training process of students in sports mastery groups, to enhance the body’s functional reserves and the effectiveness of training activities. The purpose of the study is to detect the effects of effects of aroma compositions (compositions of vegetable essential oils) on the functional, psycho-emotional state and physical capacity of students of higher educational institutions in terms of training activities. Research results. The results of the study indicate that the experimental group has a tendency to improve the psycho-emotional state, that is evident from the results of the SUN test, which indicates that the activity increased from 3,6 ± 0,5 points to 4,2 ± 0,6 points. The mood increased by 14 %, the desire to work compared with the background indicators increased from 3,6 ± 0,5 point to 4,2 ± 0,6 points. The feeling has improved by 9 %. With the accumulation of aroma compositions, a decrease in heart rate at rest is observed at 72,9 ± 1,59 (75,9 ± 1,56 at the beginning). The pulse pressure index at the beginning of the study was 45,6 ± 0,87 points, after – 44,18 ± 0,96 points. The Robinson index after the application of aroma sessions was 84,7 ± 2,06 points, the Ruffle index – 6,50 ± 1,1 points, the EGC changed from 7,11 ± 0,27 cm to 8,35 ± 0,23 cm The results of technical actions grew from 5 % to 44,1 % on average, indicators of gaming actions in the innings grew from 37,54 % to 41,62 %; gaming activities in the defense grew from 43,16 % to 46,20 %; gaming attacks in the attack from 46,13 % to 50,08 %; gaming activities in the reception rose from 42,38 % to 48,47 %. Thus, all indicators of action games increased from 9 % to 19 % after the pedagogical experiment.
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