Characteristics and Classification of Yoga Means
yoga, the means of yoga, characteristics of the yoga means, classification of the yoga means, health systemAbstract
Yoga is one of the most effective health systems. In the scientific literature there is no general classification of the yoga means, what justifies the need for their classification and characteristics. The aim of the research is to identify, classify and justify yoga means. The results of the work. The essence of the “means of health systems” concept and their interpretation by different scientists were considered. The role of yoga as health and educational systems was determined. It was found out that yoga, like health improving system had complex effect on human health – both on its physical and spiritual condition. The “yoga means” concept was defined. The detailed classification of the yoga means was given and their main groups were outlined. Conclusions. There are such yoga means as exercises, procedures, knowledge, philosophical concepts that strengthen health, provide a harmonious development of a man and create the culture of health. The classification of the yoga means due to their characteristics was suggested that enabled the deeper understanding of their effect, the impact on body, health and human consciousness. The features and general characteristics of the yoga means depending on the impact on personality traits were defined. According to this classified characteristic they were grouped in ethical, physical and psychological, that best reflected the purpose and ultimate goal of improving the system of yoga, provided an opportunity to combine methods of different influence in classes and helped achieve higher positive results.
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