Structural Studies on Physical Culture of University Students
physical education, students, intellectual-mental, motivational-emotional, motor-active compo-nentsAbstract
Actuality. The problem of physical training of students in higher education institutions has been outlined. Based on the analysis of scientific studies it is found out that the theory and practice of higher education has significant scientific potential, providing a way of learning and mastering the complex psychological and pedagogical processes, which enables to form a personality in sports class, establishing the objective laws of students’ education and training. Aim of the research: to determine the baseline of the formation of physical culture in university students, to analyze and interpret the experimental data. Results of the research. In the course of the empirical study the components of physical education: intellectual-mental, motivational-emotional, motor-active were defined; and the levels of physical culture in university students in accordance with them, namely, high, basic, medium, low were classified. The diagnostic procedure revealed such levels of students’ physical culture in intellectual and mental component: out of 1300 students 148 students had the high level, 263 students had the base level, 388 students had the medium level, and 501 students had the low level; in motivational and emotional components: 101 students had the high level, 210 students had the base level, 384 students had the medium level, and 605 students had the low one; in motor-active component: 17 students had the high level, 72 students had the base one, 388 students had the medium level, and 823 students had the low one. The negative result of the development of students’ physical culture at Kyiv National Trade and Economic University and University «Ukraine», no tendency to its increase during the study, justify the urgency of finding new technologies to improve the process of physical training of students and involve them into extracurricular regular physical education classes. Conclusions. The formation of physical culture in university students in extra-curricular hours was investigated, the components (intellectual-mental, motivational-emotional, motor-active), criteria and levels (high, basic, medium, low) of the formation of physical culture in university students were suggested. The results of the research can serve as the basis for further elaborating an educational system, which aims at improving the physical culture of university students in the extracurricular sports-mass work.References
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