Defining of the Effectiveness of Kabat Method in the Complex Program of Rehabilitation of the ill with Apoplexy


  • Yuriy Mahnushevskyi National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
  • Kostyantyn Kalinkin National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine


cardiovascular diseases, physical rehabilitation, proprioceptive facilitation technique, method of Kabat


Cerebrovascular brain damages become more and more often reason of death or disablement of population with every year. The existing system of aiding requires further improvement. It is considered the problem of physical rehabilitation of post-stroke patients. By analyzing the scientific literature it was identified patient-oriented methodology of recovery of disordered motor function of these patients. It was presented the results of recovery of motor dysfunction of the ill with cerebrovascular disease of brain with using the method of Kabat for the test results on the scale of severity of stroke Toronto and index of daily activities of Barthel.

Author Biographies

  • Yuriy Mahnushevskyi, National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

    аспірант кафедри фізичної реабілітації

  • Kostyantyn Kalinkin, National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

    аспірант кафедри фізичної реабілітації


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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Defining of the Effectiveness of Kabat Method in the Complex Program of Rehabilitation of the ill with Apoplexy. (2015). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(32), 189-193.