Modern Aspects of Justification for the Development of Models of Strength Training Classes in Horting
horting, strength capabilities, energy supply, training class, basic and isolating exercisesAbstract
Topicality. Justification and development of models of strength training classes in horting based on an effective combination of integral mechanisms for increasing the level of athletes' resistance to stimuli. Methods. For the practical implementation of the set goal, we used the analysis of the results of research by leading scientists in mixed martial arts, strength fitness, sports physiology, and the biochemistry of motor activity. The main markers that were studied during the analysis of the experimental results given in the literature available to us were the following indicators: modes of loads and energy supply, variability of load components, the ratio of sets of training exercises on simulators and with free weights, frequency of use of basic and isolation exercises. The Results. In the process of analyzing the results of research by leading scientists regarding the problem of the need to use an integral approach to the training process in mixed martial arts, certain shifts in the modeling of classes were made. So, taking into account the specifics of the tasks that athletes face at the stage of specialized basic training in horting, we have developed models of strength training exercises. It was found that depending on the appropriate combination of exercises on simulators and with free weights, with the use of different anaerobic modes of energy supply, the indicators of the working mass of the projectile change significantly, which affects the intensity of the loads. It was established that the use of the principle of «premature fatigue of working muscle groups» with a certain sequence of using alactate and lactate types of energy supply allows not only to reduce the parameters of the projectile's working weight indicator, but also to increase the intensity at the same time. Corresponding changes will help increase the body's adaptive reserves. Conclusions. The use of complexes of training tools with a sufficiently diverse variability of consistent application of basic and isolation exercises will contribute to the accelerated processes of long-term adaptation of athletes from horting in a minimal period of time.
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