ISSN 2220-7481; eISSN 2410-2156

Founder: Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Year established: 1999

Certificate of state registration КВ #24649-14589 PR issued on December 14, 2020

The scientific Journal «Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society» is a scientific specialized edition of Ukraine, which is included to the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine – Category «B» (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1643 since 28.12.2019).

The results of the Phd and Doctoral thesis in the field of «Pedagogical Sciences» (on Specialties: 011 Education sciences, 014 Secondary Education (Physical Culture) (13.00.02; 13.00.04) and «Physical Education and Sport» (on Specialty 017 Physical Culture and Sport (24.00.01; 24.00.02; 24.00.03) are published in the Scientific Journal.

Frequency of publication: 4 issues per year.

Publication languages: Ukrainian, English.

Area, goals and scope. It is an international publication which covers a broad range of scientific research in the areas of public sports, physical rehabilitation and high-achievement sports.  In this journal articles appear which involve the following areas: the history of physical culture in Ukraine and around the world;  philosophical, legal and organizational problems related to physical culture; features of physical education in terms of different population groups; questions connected with the professional training of specialists in physical culture and sports; pedagogical technologies for physical exercise train­ing; means for restoring of employment capacity; characteristics of the training of athletes and the adaptation of the human body to physical activity.

Since the 2016 Issue #1(33) all articles submitted have been translated into English.

This journal is indexed and listed in ERIH PLUSIndex Copernicus InternationalOpen Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI);   Polska Bibliografia Naukowa; Scientific Ukrainika; and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory; and

in repositories and search engines: DOAJ,  OpenAIREBASE, WorldCat,  Google scholarInternational Committee of Medical Journal Editors, Research BibleInformation Matrix for the Analysis of Journals, Ukrainian scientific periodicals.

Editor-in-chief – Anatolii Tsos, Doctor of Science in Physical Education and Sports, Professor, Rector at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.

 Executive Secretary - Svitlana Indyka, Ph.D. in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.

Editorial board address: 43005, Ukraine, Lutsk, Vynnychenko Street 30/118, (Building B), Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.

Telephone: +38(0332)242178; +38(066)4830600
