Using Animation Techniques to Address Pedagogical Challenges in Organizing Physical Education and Sports Events


  • Olha Nikolaichyk Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University
  • Oleksandra Tsybanyuk Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University



animation techniques, exercises, winners, ritual, entertainment, sports festival


Topicality. In sports activities, particularly at elite levels, the primary goal of an athlete is victory. This desire sometimes leads to a willingness to win at any cost, even at the expense of health, moral norms, instances of aggression, intrigue, and more. Concurrently, research has concluded on the role of systematic sports engagement, including participation in competitive activities, in broadening the range of life skills acquired and fostering global citizenship. Relevant “life skills” have been identified that athletes should acquire through their experiences. The Aim and Methods of the research involved a complex set of methodologies: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, abstraction and specification, systematization, classification, generalization, etc.) and specific scientific methods such as terminological analysis and logical-systematic analysis. These methods ensured the logical flow of the research, from gathering and preparing factual material to setting research tasks, searching for their solutions, and obtaining results. The Research Results. The results of the study determined that victory is a real or perceived gain, achievement, or advantage. It was elucidated that the content of physical education and sports events involves the implementation of game-based and competitive methods, where the main focus is on fair play, honorable competition, and a chivalrous attitude towards opponents. It was demonstrated that modern coaches, sports animators, and teachers utilize game-based and competitive activities to address the challenge of achieving victory. The concept of the “winner's state” was identified, where the ability to embody this state oneself and transmit it to teammates, for instance through teamwork, represents an optimal approach to achieving goals. In Conclusion, among the animation techniques for fostering the ability to experience victory are prize selection and motivational reminders, developing the ability to celebrate others' victories through collective chanting, rituals like “Shaking”, “Stream” and “Round Dance” tactile greetings (hugs, shoulder taps, encouraging eye contact, etc.).


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Using Animation Techniques to Address Pedagogical Challenges in Organizing Physical Education and Sports Events. (2024). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(68), 63-67.