Teachers' Attitudes Towards the Use of Military-Applied Exercises in Physical Education Classes


  • Stepan Leus , Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture,




students, physical education, military-applied exercises, defense of Ukraine


Topic. Military-applied exercises have not been widely implemented in the physical education of schoolchildren. However, geopolitical changes that have taken place in Ukraine were not taken into account. Today, there is an urgent need to prepare schoolchildren for the future defense of Ukraine through military-applied exercises. Aim and Methods of the Study. The aim of the research was to explore the possibilities of using military-historical methods in the physical education of students. A total of 2,119 respondents from 21 regions of Ukraine were surveyed, including teachers of physical education, Ukrainian history, and defense studies. MS Excel was used for the mathematical processing of the results. Results of the Study and Key Conclusions. More than 70 % of teachers support the inclusion of military-applied exercises in physical education lessons, with the highest level of support among teachers of the subject Defense of Ukraine. Under wartime conditions, the relevance of such exercises remains high, and experts agree that the development of these skills should begin at an earlier age. Military-historical reconstruction received considerable attention from teachers due to its complexity and cost. However, they believe that incorporating its elements can motivate students (55,0 %), foster patriotism (78,2 %), better prepare youth for service (69,3 %), and enhance their ability to defend Ukraine (47,7 %). Overall, 71,3 % of respondents support the introduction of military-applied exercises in physical education lessons, while 55,3 % consider them particularly beneficial for students in grades 10–11. More than 80 % of interviewees highlighted the need to update the educational content of Physical Education, Defense of Ukraine, and Ukrainian History courses in accordance with the realities of modern warfare. Therefore, military-historical reconstruction has the potential to serve as an innovative method of physical and patriotic education for students, provided its implementation is optimized. However, this requires the development of a clear methodological framework.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Military-Applied Exercises in Physical Education Classes. (2024). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(68), 55-62. https://doi.org/10.29038/2220-7481-2024-04-55-62