Identification and Changes in Emotional Processes and Girls’ Ability to Cope with Stress During Blended Physical Education in Higher Education Institutions
physical education, girls, higher education institution, emotional processes, stress resistance, personalizationAbstract
Relevance. Physical education in higher education institutions still fails to fully address the societal tasks assigned to it, despite its effectiveness and high potential. Objective. To determine the features of the manifestation and changes in emotional processes, as well as the ability of girls to cope with stress during blended physical education in higher education institutions. Research Methods. The study involved 100 girls aged 17,4±0,9 years, all belonging to the primary medical group and starting their education in a higher education institution at the time of the research. Empirical data were collected using psychodiagnostic testing methods based on written surveys. The surveys included questionnaires commonly used in psychological research and physical education studies across various population groups. The survey results allowed the assessment of the girls’ stress resistance and changes in emotional processes, such as well-being, activity, mood, and personal anxiety. These parameters were measured in the same participants throughout their entire education period, with the first year being an exception, as testing was conducted twice: at the beginning (October) and the end (May-June) of the academic year. Results. Changes in the girls’ well-being, activity, mood, and personal anxiety during each academic year exhibited distinctive features, primarily related to the varying parameters of these indicators. However, changes throughout the entire study period showed a general trend: a decline during the first year of education, improvement (particularly in the third year), followed by deterioration in the final year. Regarding the girls' ability to cope with stress, annual changes were characterized by varying levels of this indicator. The overall trend for the entire study period revealed a medium-level ability to cope with stress. Conclusions. Taking these findings into account when designing the content of physical education programs for blended learning can enhance their effectiveness in achieving stated goals. Additionally, these insights will support the selection of appropriate means and parameters of physical activity, ensuring personalization.
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