Experience of Applying the International Classification of Functioning in the Process of Implementing a Physical Rehabilitation Program for Individuals After Cholecystectomy
rehabilitation diagnostics prognosis, physical therapy, cholecystectomy, rehabilitation, evidence-based medicine, ICF, multidisciplinary team interactionAbstract
Topicality. Patients after cholecystectomy need high-quality planning of the rehabilitation process and intervention, as they have an unfavorable rehabilitation prognosis in terms of quality and life expectancy, further occurrence or exacerbation of comorbidities, chronic non-communicable diseases, limitation of life and participation, which affects the quality of life. The Aim of the Research is to analyze the experience of applying the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) in the process of implementing a physical rehabilitation program for people after cholecystectomy at different stages of rehabilitation, to analyze scientific systematic reviews and randomized clinical trials in terms of clinical application of the ICF as a tool for assessing patients with various diseases. Methods of the Research. The study included 382 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Assessment according to the ICF classification, development of individual rehabilitation plans. The computer program “Functional profile of the patient after cholecystectomy (PROFCHОL)” was used for data processing. Analysis of scientific systematic reviews and randomized clinical trials in the Pubmed database from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. Results of the Research. The organization of the rehabilitation process requires a clear conceptual approach and stages, creates a clear algorithm for the work of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team and improves the quality of services provided. The use of computer software in the coding of ICF domains facilitates the work of rehabilitation therapists and promotes multidisciplinary interaction. Familiarizing the patient after cholecystectomy with the rehabilitation prognosis, taking into account personal factors, class participation in planning the rehabilitation intervention, agreeing on goals with the patient increases motivation for rehabilitation at all stages of rehabilitation intervention and allows not to miss important rehabilitation goals for the patient and is an important element of the concept of rehabilitation of persons after cholecystectomy and provides a patient-centered approach. Conclusions. The ICF is a valid tool for assessing the functioning, disability and health of people with various diseases, including chronic non-communicable diseases.
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