Swot Analysis of Implementing Inclusivity in Coaches’ Work
inclusion, sport, SWOT analysis, opportunities, threats, athletes with special educational needsAbstract
Relevance. Inclusivity in sports is crucial for ensuring equal and fair opportunities for all athletes. Coaches‟ behavior plays a significant role as a determinant in this process. Previous stages of research have shown that coaches are not adequately prepared to train athletes with special educational needs (SEN). The use of SWOT analysis will allow for the assessment of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the context of the current situation, providing a balanced understanding of the internal resources and external conditions for the implementation of inclusivity in coaches‟ work. Aim. To substantiate the internal resources and external conditions for the development of inclusive practices in sports using SWOT analysis. Methods. Analysis, synthesis, generalization, methods of logical and systemic analysis; SWOT analysis based on the COM-B model, analysis of open-ended responses. Results. The use of SWOT analysis revealed that, within the context of the study, the strengths of the coaching community include their interpersonal communication skills, which enable them to train various athletes, as well as their willingness and intention to coach athletes with SEN over the next two years. Among the weaknesses identified are the lack of necessary knowledge, technical and tactical skills, and time required to train athletes with SEN. The opportunities relate to social support from colleagues, which should be leveraged to develop a network of interaction and collaboration among coaches. Educational and research activities are another promising area for providing coaches with appropriate training and methodological resources. The identified threats indicate significant challenges to the implementation of inclusivity without such fundamental aspects as the provision of appropriate equipment and conditions, as well as support for the coach‟s inclusive pathway from the sports organization. Some of the concerns and fears expressed in the open responses are driven by stereotypes, which exacerbate inequality and limit access to sports for individuals with SEN, necessitating further consideration.
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