opularization of Nordic Combined Through the Introduction of New Disciplines in the Program of Various Ranks Competitions.
Nordic combined, discipline, competition, regulation, structure of competitive activity, Gundersen methodAbstract
Topicality. The presented research paper examines and analyzes the regulations for holding Nordic combined competitions at the Olympic and non-Olympic disciplines. The main changes and expansion of sports competition programs, which took place during the last decades and influenced its popularization, have been described. The purpose of the research. Analysis of the dynamics and reasons for the introduction of new disciplines into the program of competitions of various ranks at Nordic combined. Research methods. Analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, theoretical analysis of regulatory documents and documentation of competitive sports activities (detailed analysis of the International Ski and Snowboard Federation`s bulletins) and review of research analytical sources and information from e-resources (search and analysis of historical data). The research results. Based on a detailed analysis of scientific and methodological sources and available Internet sources as well as the new competition rules, it was found that the basis of the Nordic combined competitions is the following disciplines: a) the individual Gundersen competitions (standard normal and large ski jumping hills; 10 km competition in cross-country skiing), the Men's team sprint competition (included into the program of the Winter Olympic Games only for men); b) the mass start (individual competitions), the Women`s individual Gundersen competitions, the Women`s team sprint. This allowed to systematize the peculiarities of competitive activity and highlight the main aspects in the above mentioned disciplines in accordance with the modern rules of the Nordic combined competitions. Findings. Among the reasons for radical changes and innovations into the Nordic combined was a long stagnation and reluctance to make unpopular decisions, which led to a decline, a decrease in popularity and the number of the competition participants. During the 100-year FIS history, the most changes occurred at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century, in particular, the Gundersen method application, the introduction and search for new disciplines, etc.
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