Activities of Ukrainian Athletes During the russian Aggression Period
Ukrainian athletes, international sports competitions, sports infrastructure, russian aggression, assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, charity eventsAbstract
The article substantiates the relevance and importance of the activities of Ukrainian athletes during the russian aggression period, assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), support for the development of sports and the struggle to exclude russian and belarusian athletes from participation in international competitions. Attention is drawn to the complexity of the processes of competition and training in the temporarily occupied territories due to the destruction of sports infrastructure, evacuation to other regions and outside the country.Therefore, the purpose of the study is to highlight the activities of famous athletes after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Research Methods: theoretical analysis of social practice, methods of generalisation, comparison, review of scientific analytical sources and information from electronic resources. As the article argues and substantiates, many well-known and successful Ukrainian athletes are making a significant contribution to accelerating our victory by spreading information about the war in Ukraine and actively participating in the organisation of numerous charity fundraising projects, while making their own contributions. The importance of athletes' participation in information and volunteer activities is emphasised, helping to engage the international community in supporting Ukraine and distancing themselves from russia. By doing so, they confirm their national and patriotic position and the unity of the entire Ukrainian people against the occupiers. The dissemination of their position by leading athletes in the media, electronic networks, and at various events opens the eyes of many people abroad to russian aggression and events in our country, and debunks russia's false information attacks. The authors argue that this causes a positive perception, changes the attitude towards Ukraine and Ukrainians from indifferent to sympathetic, causing outrage at the genocide, cruelty and savagery of the aggressor and respect for our nation, as well as the readiness of many partner states to support the isolation of russian and belarusian sports structures at the international level.
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