Factors Restraining and Stimulating Schoolchildren of the 10–11 Forms to Physical Education Classes
high schoolchildren, physical education, physical health, secondary educational institutionsAbstract
Topicality. The data of the PE organizing process for high schoolchildren of various education institutions have included to the research paper. The indicators of physical condition, physical activity and motivation for high schoolchildren of secondary educational institutions of various types to PE and sports were investigated. More than 300 pupils of the 10-11th forms participated in the research. During the constant experiment, a number of factors have been identified that restrain students` desire to physical activity and sports. Based on the students’ wishes and motives there selected the stimulating factors aimed at improving the motivation to exercise and increase the students’ activity. Research Stuff and Methods. To achieve the given tasks generally accepted methods were used, in particular, analysis and summary of the scientific literature data, sociological, anthropometric, physiological and framing method as well as methods of mathematic statistics. The Research Results. The completed experiment has testified the physical readiness indicators improvement, however not all moving skills. Statistically considerable changes (p<0,05) occurred among the boys of the 10th form have performed 100 m running test with 15,6±0,3 to 14,4±0,2 second. In 11th form the results of the push-up test improved from 27,1±2,04 times to 30,9±1,2 times and standing long jump test with results from 211,9±9,8 to 229,9±7,3 sm. Girls of the 10th form have demonstrated some changes (p<0,05), in particular at 100 m running test with result from 17,7±0,2 to 17,0±0,3 seconds and 1,500 m running from 8 minutes 16 seconds ±0,5 to 8 minutes ± 0,4. The changes related to the girls of the 11th form before and after the experiment were unreliable. It is worth to mention the fact of the increasing the number of pupils with a sufficient level of physical readiness. Findings. As a result of the conducted experiment several factors, which demotivate the high schoolchildren`s desire to do sports and get pleasure from PE classes have been distinguished. Due to the research, PE organizational and methodological conditions for pupils of different educational institutions have been created and tested.
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