Особливості фізичної підготовленості жінок другого періоду зрілого віку
women, mature age, office workers, physical preparedness, level, testAbstract
Topicality. One of the current directions of modern scientific research in the field of physical education is the study of the entire spectrum of issues related to health, its formation and preservation. The computerization of the office work has reached a high concentration, almost 100%. An office worker has to process large flows of various information, experience constant nervous tension, feel stress. Scientists began to pay more and more attention to the consequences faced by users of personal computers. Objective of the Study is the analysis of indicators of physical preparedness of women aged 36–44 years old working in the office. 49 women in the second period of mature age took part in the research, among them some are 36–39 years olds (n = 28) and the others are 40-44 years old (n = 21). The theoretical, pedagogical and mathematical methods have been used in the study. Research Results. In the course of the research, the physical preparedness of females aged 36–44 years old has been assessed. The first stage of statistical processing of the obtained indicators of physical preparedness of women aged 36–44 is checking their compliance with the law of normal distribution according to consistency criteria. All indicators of physical preparedness of females aged 36–44 years old, with the exception of «trunk lift in sitting» of women 36–39 years old, did not correspond to the law of normal distribution. Therefore, further statistical processing of the testing results the physical preparedness of women aged 36-44 was carried out using non-parametric methods. Findings. The research results of the level of physical preparedness (test of forward bending of the body from a sitting position; trunk lift in sitting test; test of bending and extension of the arms in a supine position; pull-up test in a supine position) of women aged 36–39 and 40–44 according to the indicators of the above-mentioned tests indicate about the negative dynamics of in physical preparedness with increasing of the women`s age.
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