Specificity of Physical Development Indicators of School Children with Visual Impairment
schoolchildren, visual impairment, physical developmentAbstract
Topicality. One of the most common issues that leads to the children disability of all ages around the world is visual impairment. Scholars state that 20 % of children in Ukraine have vision problems of various severity. In most cases, children`s visual analyzer dysfunction is associated with eyes visual dysfunctions, but not with their defects. The Objective of the Research is to analyze physical development indicators of children with visual impairment. Research Methods: theoretical (analysis of scientific and methodical literature, theoretical analysis and generalization, system analysis), pedagogical (experiment, survey) and mathematical methods. Results of the Research. The results of the study proved that the values of the body weight indicator of researched children ranged from 30,8 kg to 72,1 kg with an average value of 47,87 kg and a standard deviation of 11,71 kg (47,87±11,71). Their body length varied from 144,5 cm to 165 cm and was in average (155,61±6,40) cm. The index of chest circumference during inhalation was distributed in the range from 66 cm to 96 cm with an average value of (81,14±8,25) cm, on exhalation – from 62 cm to 93 cm with an average value of (77,43±8,51) cm. Conclusions. During the research it was found that 10–11-year-old children with visual impairments had certain excesses of body weight, chest circumference and a low excursion between inhalation and exhalation. It is possible to assume that such indicators may characterize the sedentary lifestyle of these children and lack of physical activity during the day due to visual deprivation.
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