Innovative Healthcare Technologies in the Educational Field of the Senior School


  • Iryna Semenova Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Oleh Bielikov Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



educational process, innovative technologies, health care, high school children, motor activity, physical culture


Topicality. The effectiveness of education directly depends on the schoolchildren health and the full implementation of health care basics. Health-preserving educational technologies in the extended sense include all technologies using which in the educational process benefits the schoolchildren health. The Purpose of the Research is to reveal the use of the innovative healthcare technologies in the educational field of the senior school. Research Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical research papers and systematization of the author`s practical experience. Research Results. Innovative healthcare technologies are forms, methods and measures that systematically and consistently embodied in educational practice, involving an entire educational process from the its purpose to the expected results, which is aimed at solving healthcare issues in the education through the prism of proven and new types of school children motor activity. The content and requirements for the implementation of health care technologies used in the PE practice have been highlighted. Among the innovative health care technologies for high school children aiming at their divergent thinking, storytelling, eyes stopping, “Star Marathon” and “Mirror” have been characterized. Conclusions. The implementation of innovative healthcare technologies in the motor activity of high school children allows to optimize the educational and training process and make it more effective as well as increase students` motivation and interest in PE trainings and sports in general.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Innovative Healthcare Technologies in the Educational Field of the Senior School. (2022). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(60), 47-52.