Futsal Health and RecreationValue in the Organization of Students` Leisure Activities
health and recreational activities, futsal, students, healthy lifestyle, motor activityAbstract
Topicality. The use of futsal as a modern and popular type of game activity in the students’ recreational and health activities, leads to the optimization of the motor activity and affects the formation of motor skills and abilities. The Purpose of the Research is to determine the peculiarities of futsal trainings as a health-recreational activity of student youth. Research Methods: analysis and synthesis of the research papers, pedagogical observation, generalization of scholars` experimental research and systematization of the obtained research results. The Research Results. Peculiarities of futsal as a means of health-recreational activity have been investigated on the basis of its implementation in the educational process and students` leisure activities. The main structural components that must be present at futsal study are highlighted. The theoretical part should include the following topics: Futsal as a Modern Form of Motor Activity; Futsal History of Ukraine and Abroad; Theoretical Basis of Futsal Training; The analysis of the Futsal Development; Means, Methods and Principles of Sports Training in Futsal; Structure of Futsal Training Process; Organization of the Events on Human Health Improvement by using Futsal, etc. The practical aspect of futsal technique and game tactics has been determined as well as the principles of using futsal as a means of the students` recreational activity have been highlighted. Conclusions. Futsal, on the one hand, promotes the development of human independence, self-organization, taking into account the students` interests; on the other hand, it provides interpersonal interaction, which contributes to the formation of social activity and psychological stability.
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