Rehabilitation Diagnosis of Patients after Osteosyn- thesis of the Acetabulum based on the International Classification of Functioning, Life and Health Restrictions
osteosynthesis, acetabulum, ICF, rehabilitation diagnosis, physical therapyAbstract
Topicality. Nowadays, is increasing the number of acetabulum fractures. Modern surgical approaches to the treatment of this fracture do not reduce the percentage of patients` disability. Primarily due to structural and functional changes that occur in the hip joint after fracture and surgery. In addition to quality medical care, it is advisable to conduct comprehensive physical therapy, which should take place by establishing a rehabilitation diagnosis based on the International Classification of Functioning, Restrictions on Life and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). The aim of the study is to establish a rehabilitation diagnosis for patients after osteosynthesis of the acetabulum on the basis of ICF. Stuff and methods of the research. The study involved 48 patients aged 32 to 36 years after osteosynthesis of the acetabulum. The main research methods are theoretical, based on the analysis, evaluation and synthesis of modern knowledge of domestic and foreign scholars on the use of ICF in the recovery of patients after osteosynthesis of the acetabulum, clinical-instrumental and scale assessments. The research results. ICF facilitates accurately reflect the rehabilitation diagnosis based on existing issues for individuals after osteosynthesis of the acetabulum at the level of structure and function, activity and participation, environmental factors and personal factors. Rehabilitation diagnosis of patients after osteosynthesis of the acetabulum is: structural changes of the pelvic girdle (s 740.0), ligaments and fascia of the pelvic girdle (s 740.3), skin of the pelvic girdle (s 810.3); problems with changing the basic body position (d 410), maintaining a standing position (d 415.4), moving (d 465), walking long distances (d 450.1), personal hygiene (d 530), dressing problems (d 540), decreased tolerance to general endurance (b 455.0), lower extremity pain (b28015), impaired mobility of several joints (b 710.1), decreased muscle tone (b 735). The identified restrictions on participation significantly affected the emotions of patients (b152), their constant anxiety at their professional activities, as all of them were working age people. Conclusions. Rehabilitation diagnosis for patients after acetabular osteosynthesis based on ICF (according to disorders of structure, function, activity and participation, environmental factors and personal factors) will allow the multidisciplinary team to select treatment that will improve recovery efficiency.
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