Comprehensive Approach to Physical Therapy of Persons with Vertebro- genic Thoracolgia
thoracalgia, chest, posture, dorsalgia, kinesiotherapy, chest pain, physical therapyAbstract
Topicality. Vertebrogenic thoracolgia is a pathology that affects 25,4 adults out of 100 interviewees and is characterized by backache, limitations of functions in the cervical and thoracic spine and decrease the quality of life. The issue of physical therapy has been taken up by many domestic and foreign researches. There are no a comprehensive approach and modern tools that can significantly improve recovery and diminish recidivism in their programs. The Aim of the Research is to develop a comprehensive physical therapy program for persons with vertebrogenic thoracаlgia and assess its effectiveness. Research Stuff and Methods. Study was conducted at the Spine Clinic of Verteborology and Neuroorthopedics since April to October 2021. The research involved 10 people diagnosed with vertigo-resistant thoracalgia by a neurologist. Age of respondents 41+ 3,2(x+S). Research Methods. Methods of scientific and methodological literature analysis, synthesis and generalization methods, questionnaire, survey, palpation, visual analog scale of pain (VAS), manual-muscle testing, assessment of the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index, the International Quality of Life Assessment, the MOS SF-36 health survey questionnaire have been used. Results of the Research. The scientific and methodological literature on physical therapy for persons with vertebrogenic thoracаlgia was analysed. There is no modern approach in their programs` construction. A comprehensive Program in Physical Therapy for persons with vertebrogenic thoracalgia in the subacute period was created, which was launched for 30 days and included three motor modes: gentle, gentle-training and training. Methods and means of physical therapy were: kinesiotherapy, therapeutic massage, preformed physical factors, myofascial release, the Mulligan concept, kinesiotype, MSB – a multifunctional simulator of S. Bubnovsky and the TRX System. As a result of the program, the pain rates for the rest, active movement and palpation improved significantly in the main group (MG) compared to the control group (CG).
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