Civilizational and Historical Aspects of Modern Karate
karate style, Bujutsu, Budo, General karate, Sports karate, non-formal educationAbstract
Topicality. Nowadays there are many options for combat systems, styles, schools and organizations, which are associated with karate, but there is no systematization and classification of them, which would become the basis for the development of unified programs of non-formal education for modern types of karate. Purpose and Research Methods. The aim of the study is the systematization of modern styles of karate on the basis of a deeper and more comprehensive definition of the initial essence of each modern karate style using a civilizational-historical approach, which includes: study of the influence of civilizational, historical and social factors as backbone for various types of karate; comparison of historical types of karate from the point of view of their attribution to various educational sectors of the EurEthICS ETSIA Training Academy. The theory of local civilizations in relation to the authors` classification of combat systems, proposed earlier, has been used in the research paper. Results of the Research. Сontemporary karate was considered three different paradigms: Bujutsu, as a set of military skills; Budo, as the Japanese paramilitary education system; Sports karate, as a combat sport, as well as in five historical styles: Bujutsu, Ryu, Budo, General and Sports Karate. The fundamental differences between them are determined as the basis for the creation of particular educational programs. Conclusions. The proposed systematics can be the basis of universal training programs for experts in each karate style, as well as validation of the results of non-formal vocational education in the relevant educational sectors of the EurEthICS ETSIA.
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