Rehabilitation: Substan- tiation of Effective Constituents of a Comprehensive Rehabilitation Interference
Covid-19, physical rehabilitationAbstract
Topicality of the Research. The research focuses its attention on the necessity and importance of rehabilitation measures of patients who experienced coronavirus disease (COVID-19) of a various degree of severity. Convincing evidence is presented on the basis of both the own studies and the data of the current medicine concerning an effective influence of various means of restoration treatment on the course of COVID-19. The aim of a comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19 is to improve the dyspnea, to eliminate anxiety, to reduce complications, to minimize disability, to maintain functions and to improve the quality of life. The Purpose of the Research – to determine methodical bases and key aspects of a comprehensive use of physical therapy means for COVID-19 patients. Methods of the Research. Analysis of scientific and methodical literature sources, abstracting method, as well as methods of synthesis and generalization have been used during the study. The Research Results. Physical rehabilitation is found to be an essential constituent in the treatment of patients including effects on different parts of pathogenic disorders. Physical activity of a post-COVID patient possesses an evidenced effect. Physical activity should be indicated according to the functional status and physical possibilities. It is long and requires patient’s self-discipline. The basis of the rehabilitation program is selection of strictly dosed muscle loading with prevailing active elements. Their aim is making a motion regimen of a patient wider, also increasing patient’s mobility, adjusting to occupational and everyday domestic load, and preventing complications. Other constituents of restoration treatment have been analyzed (physiotherapeutic effect, dietary correction, psychological rehabilitation), which in combination with physical therapy will enable to obtain maximum valuable results. Conclusions. Rehabilitation interference is found to be reasonable at different stages of the disease. Selection of constituents, dosing of manipulations, the choice of methods are carried out individually considering severity and period of the disease, concomitant pathology, and physical status of a patient. A combination of various methods of physical influence inter-potential action is rather effective.
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