The Physical Health of high Schoolchildren Influenced by Rope Skipping Activities
physical education, schoolchildren, variable modules, exercise groupsAbstract
Topicality. The decline in the health level of high schoolchildren makes the issue of finding means, forms and methods of increasing the physical activity of schoolchildren actual. A promising direction in solving this issue is the use of fitness technologies in the process of physical education of schoolchildren. One of these technologies is rope skipping, which does not require complex equipment and is available for use by people with different physical status level. The purpose is to determine the impact of skipping classes on physical health indicators of high schoolchildren. Stuff and Research Methods – 70 boys and 75 girls of 10–11 grades have been divided into four experimental and four control groups depending on their age and gender. Scientific and methodological literature analysis, pedagogical experiment, physical health express assessment according to G. Apanasenko`s methodology, methods of mathematical statistics have been used during the study. The Research Results. A «Rope skipping» variable module has been imple- mented during the third quarter. Also the use of exercises with a rope in the preparatory, main or final parts of PE classes in the «Athletics», «Football» (I, IV quarters), and «Volleyball» (II quarter) variable modules, depending on the tasks of the classes have been suggested. The extracurricular forms of classes and during the school day with pore skipping exercises (independent classess, mobile breaks, sports events, competitions) have been offered. A significant improvement in the Ruffier and Robinson indices, the strength index in the experimental groups has been determined. Moreover, the total amount of physical health scores was elevated. This indicates an increase of its level. Conclusions. Practical testing of the skipping means use in various forms of PE classes with high schoolchildren has proven their effectiveness in improving the schoolchildren`s health. This is giving cause for the use of skipping during the school physical culture and health activities.
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