Ontokinesiological Approach to the Students` Physical Education
фізичне виховання, студенти, майбутні фахівці, фізична підготовленістьAbstract
The ontokinesiological approach to physical education is based on the awareness of the complexity of motor activity, mastering the basics of a systematic approach to the analysis of complex phenomena of muscular movements in all its manifestations. The Purpose of the Research is to theoretically and methodologically substantiate the application of the ontokinesiological approach to physical education of students. Stuff and Methods of the Research. During the research analysis and synthesis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, general scientific literature, abstraction and concretization were carried out. The Research Results. It is established this approach, considered as a meta-subject basis of sports science, can be used to formation of students` physical education, taking into account the integration of intellectual and motor abilities in the PE process. The concept of kinesiological potential and kinesiological competencies has been described. Theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding kinesiological competencies have been considered, namely anthropological, culturological, personal- activity and competence. It is noted that each approach as a subsystem includes essential elements: concepts, principles, forms and methods. The basic pedagogical principles of the students` PE are determined. Conclusions. Thus, the pedagogical system of the students` PE, based on the ontokinesiological approach, is an integrative unity of anthropological, culturological, personal-activity and competence approaches that contribute to the achievement of the educational goal. The system-forming factor in building this system is the purpose of its operation – the formation of kinesiological competencies of students, which is seen as the ability and willingness of the individual to self-development and self-improvement of their kinesiological potential, which better meets modern requirements of PE in higher education.
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