Ways to Improve the Development of Strength Endurance in Girls and Boys
boys and girls of 10–11 forms, static and dynamic strength endurance, strength aerobicsAbstract
Topicality. The constant decrease in the level of schoolchildren`s physical qualities and physical health development is the main issue of modern Ukraine. Therefore, the involvement of schoolchildren to the new interesting types of health physical culture and the promotion of exercises is the value task for a contemporary PE teacher at secondary schools. The Purpose of the Research is to substantiate the effectiveness of the implemented Floor Work Methodology for the educational process optimization at PE lessons for senior schoolchildren. The Research Organization. The study involved high school children of main medical group. The proposed methodology increases the motor and overall density of PE. The use of the power part of Floor Work was introduced into each lesson (at the end of the main part of the lesson), regardless of the topic. The Research Results. There was an improvement in the results of both experimental groups (EG): pull up strength-endurance – in 2,7 times (males); flexion and extension of the arms at bent-arm leaning rest – in 1,7 (ma- les) and female – in 2,0 times; raising the legs at a 90-degree angle – in 3,1 (males) and female – in 3,8 times; rope skipping – in 3,2 times (males) and female – in 1,5 times. The highest increase in the results of the static strength endurance development is observed performing the following exercises: hanging bent to an angle – in 2,5 times (males); angled position – in 2,5 times (males) and females – in 3,2 times; half squats with feet shoulder-width apart – in 3,3 times (females). The results of the survey indicate the formation of positive motivation of EG high schoolchildren for PE attendance. Conclusions. Comparison of the results before and after the experiment allowed establishing a positive trend in both EGs with symbolic significance for all indicators of testing, which signifies the effectiveness of the implemented Floor work Methodology into the PE classes.
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