Adequacy of Physique Self-Assessment in Terms of Physical Preparedness Indicators of Middle School Boys
physical education, pedagogical control, schoolchildren, self-assessment, method of correlation analysisAbstract
Topicality. For the upbringing and formation of the pupil`s personal physical culture values, appropriate conditions for the PE organization and the determination of its significant status and image in society are necessary. However, scientists note an extremely low rating of physical culture values in modern society. The Purpose of the Research is to study adequacy of physique self-assessment in terms of physical preparedness indicators of middle school boys for determination of the pedagogical control means effectiveness during the PE process. Research Methods are analysis of scientific and methodological paper data, statutory documents, PE programs, pedagogical physical fitness testing, methods of mathematical statistics, Ye. Bochenkova`s test questionnaire
«Physique self-assessment». The physical preparedness of 6 and 9th form boy pupils was determined according to the generally accepted methodology. The questionnaire answers (according to Ye. Bochenkova) to determine the physique self-assessment has been provided. Research Findings. Self-assessment is a component of self-knowledge, reflection, which is characterized by an emotionally rich assessment of oneself as a person, one's capabilities, and a critical attitude towards oneself and thereby affects the effectiveness of a person's activity. Self-assessment is formed during the adolescents’ growth under the influence of society and can reflect their value orientations, which stimulate or suppress activities aimed at self-development. The analysis of the relationship between indicators determines the means by which male pupils feel the possibility of achieving a certain goal. In this case, we consider the correlations between self-esteem and indicators of physical development. The highest correlation coefficients in sixth-graders between self-esteem indicators and actual indicators of physical development do not exceed r = 0,6 (physical activity) and r = 0,21 (self- assessment). Significant correlation coefficients of 10-form boys between self-assessment indicators and actual indicators of physique do not exceed r = 0,9 (appearance) r = 0,28 (physical activity). The conducted researches revealed the inadequacy of middle school boys physique self-assessment, testifies to the importance of theoretical coverage and practical implementation of the pedagogical control and self-control sections on physical preparedness in PE lessons, which should be an incentive for self-improvement during PE process.
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