Social and Personal Psycho-Physical Training Aspects of the National Guard of Ukraine
professional and applied training, psychophysical qualities, physical training, servicemenAbstract
The social orientation of professional preparation, features of development and psychophysical readiness formation of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine are caused, first of all, by complication of a social and political situation in the state and difficulties of the Ukrainian society development. Psychophysical features of law enforcement officers of Ukraine should determine the professional and applied physical training content. Increasing of the psychomotor qualities level, the functional state of the organism improves and its resistance to the influence of adverse factors in extreme conditions is ensured. The Purpose of the Research was to determine the importance degree and impact of professional and applied psychophysical preparation on the personnel effectiveness of the National Guard of Ukraine. The Research Stuff and Methods. The methods of theoretical analysis and generalization of data of special scientific, methodical literature, information Internet resources, sociological methods (questionnaire) and statistical data processing are used in the research. During the research, a survey of 168 specialists of the Kyiv National University of the National Guard of Ukraine on topical issues of servicemenen` professional and applied psychophysical training was conducted. Research Results and Key Conclusions. It was found that the establishing a peaceful settlement of the military conflict in the eastern part of Ukraine and finding effective means, methods and technologies to improve the officers` physical training is urgently needed. Promising area for improving the servicemen` professional training is the development of professionally important personnel qualities of the National Guard of Ukraine. 92,3 % of experts noted the urgency of finding ways to improve the psychophysical professionally important qualities of officers of the National Guard of Ukraine. 51,2 % of military professionals indicated the increasing psychophysical training in the personal aspect that will have a positive impact on the mental and physical health of officers. According to 44,6 % of experts, social improvement of psychophysical training will improve the state`s defense and 42,3 % pointed to improving the officers’ image.
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