The Influence of Physical Therapy on the Morphofunctional Status and Motor Activity of 7–8 Year Old Boys with Mild Mental Retardation
boys with a mild form of mental retardation, fine motor skills, functional status, physical developmentAbstract
Topicality. All over the world, there is an increased interest in mental retardation issue in various aspects. The role of physical therapy for mentally retarded children is to correct the motor skills, to increase the level of health and physical training, and to have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional status. The aim of the research was to analyze the effect of physical therapy on the morphofunctional status and fine motor skills of 7–8 year old boys with mild mental retardation. Stuff and research methods. The study, by agreement of the parents, involved 8 boys aged 7–8 years with a diagnosis of ICD-10 – retardation, F70 – mild mental retardation. The study used theoretical research methods, clinical examination, questionnaires, survey, anthropometric methods, functional methods, and motor function diagnostics. The research results. During the experiment, which lasted 8 months, the indicators of physical development and functional status of 7–8 year old boys underwent positive changes. A comparative analysis of the indicators of boys’ fine motor skills development after the experiment has showed a significant improvement of test results. Thus, when performing the test “Make a mosaic” the difference in indicators before and after the experiment was 2 points, at p <0,001; “Decomposition” and “Fastening of buttons” improved by 1,5 points, at p <0,001; “Lacing” and “Find beans” by 1,75 points, at p <0,001; “Catch the ball” – by 1,25 points, at p = 0,001; “Sprinkling” – by 1 point, at p = 0,008; “Constructing from sticks” – by 1,88 points, at p <0,001. Conclusions. The proposed program of physical therapy positively influenced the physical development, the state of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and the development of fine motor skills of 7–8 years old boys with mild mental retardation, which indicates the possibility of their development with timely specially targeted correction.
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