Effect of the Confinement Imposed By Covid-19 on Algerians Physical Activity Through Lens оf Gender
physical activity level, lifestyle, preventionAbstract
Background. To estimate the level of PA before and during quarantine, in both sexes, according to four categories (vigorous, moderate, walking and sitting) and to provide suggestions to reduce the negative effects of the latter (quarantine) on the health of the Algerian population. Methods. A sample of 1210 of Algerian males and females, age around 18 to 60 years old have been taken a part in this study: males: 991–81,9 %, females: 219–18,1 %. Interviewed by IPAQ (short form) to estimate the impact of confinement on Algerians gender lifestyle physical activity. Results. We confirmed that sitting long hours was the main problem for two sexes. As well as males are more active than females in all comparisons practiced. Conclusion. Confinement is a fundamental safety step to avoid the spreading of Covid-19. Whereas some guidelines for avoiding prolongation are requested to reduce inactivity and sedentary lifestyle, especially for our females. Support by health and exercise videos broadcast by national television in order to improve physical activity and routinely exercising in a safe home environment. Support in this study, as an important governmental policy, helps their citizens for healthy living during the corona virus crisis. Admitted as guidelines for our females, permitting them to maintain their physical function and mental health during this critical period.
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