Formation of Motivational and Volitional Abilities of Students Involved in Swimming during Physical Education
students, motivational and volitional abilities, psychological training, swimmingAbstract
Topicality. The importance of motivational and volitional abilities and their influence on the formation of students` personality is relevant today, as under the influence of motivation is formed personality worldview, behavioral reactions, inner emotional world. During swimming trainings in the process of students` physical education, it is possible to apply psychological training technics, which will be aimed at forming the main components of motivational and volitional abilities that directly affect both attendance of the classes and increase sports results. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the means effectiveness of motivational and volitional abilities forming in students who are engaged in swimming. Stuff and research methods. During the research the following methods have been used: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, testing, and pedagogical experiment. Processing of statistical data was performed using the methods of mathematical statistics. Research participants. The study involved 26 first-year students of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. All of them agreed to participate in the experiment. The research results. At the beginning of the experiment in the experimental and control groups, the examined students had almost the same level of motivational and volitional abilities development. So, the results of both groups had no significant differences. After conducting the experiment and using the developed methodology, there was an increase in the components of motivational and volitional abilities, but in the experimental group of students engaged in swimming, the indicators were higher (p <0,05; p <0,01). Conclusions. According to the results of the study, all indicators of the components of motivational and volitional abilities were significantly increased in the experimental students` group, and the significant changes were observed in the volitional component, which was 36 % in the experimental group, and in the control one remained at level of 12 %, and students with low level in the experimental group remained 28 %, while in the control group – 64 %. The obtained results indicated a positive swimming training effect not only on individual physical status, but also on the formation of his/her personality by developing such traits as purposefulness, perseverance, determination and courage.
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