Optimization of Physical Education E-Classes Learning for Special Medical Groups of Higher Education Institutions
e-learning, special medical groups, specifics of disease, control and self-control over the health statusAbstract
Topicality. Physical Education e-classes learning for special medical groups in higher education institutions is becoming increasingly important in the context of quarantine restrictions in frame of coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of the research is theoretically substantiation of the physical education classes‟ organization for students of special medical groups in higher education institutions in terms of distance learning. The research stuff was the e-learning control data organization of Physical Education and Special Training Department of the University of Customs and Finance (Dnipro, Ukraine). The research was conducted in 11 special medical groups at five Faculties during two semesters of 2020. Research methods are testing of students for assessing the initial level of their physical preparedness, the monitoring methods of the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal system`s functional status; pedagogical experiment aimed at introduction students` physical self-education in special medical groups in terms of distance learning. Research results. The methodology peculiarities of teaching PE in terms of distance learning in higher education institutions, the methodology and procedure of pedagogical control over the students` health during their independent physical education classes have been identified. Conclusions. The conducted research has given the opportunities for recommendation the organization of Physical Education e-classes learning for special medical groups in combination with the additional control measures by the teacher-moderator and the students` health self-control organization.
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