Risks and procedures of a quality management system implementation of physical culture and sports services in the communities
physical culture and sports services for the population, quality of physical culture and sports services, services introduction, standard, SWOT-analysisAbstract
Topicality. The issue of the quality of physical culture and sports services (PC&SS) still remains out of the scientists` view, although it directly affects the distribution of services and the effect of their consumption by various categories of the population: both the population of cities (some of which have already created acceptable conditions for the implementation of these services) and the population of villages. The purpose of the study is to reveal the risks and features a system management implementation of physical culture and sports services quality in the communities. Research methods are study of literature and other sources, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, idealization and generalizations, as well as method of SWOT-analysis. Research results and conclusions. The European experience has evidenced the management and quality of services effectiveness provided for the population, including physical culture and sports that can be ensured through the introduction of quality management systems (QMS). Therefore, the condition is the effective operation of relevant organizations basing on the international standards ISO 9000. The ISO 9001 requirements introduction contributes to positive changes that are valuable both for specialists providing services and for consumers of these services. The conducted SWOT-analysis of the QMS introduction in Physical Culture and Sports field of rural areas, namely in the united territorial communities, allowed to summarize the following. Factors of risks and obstacles in the QMS introduction on PC&SS can be grouped into the following groups: personnel, finance, sport stuff, organizational activities, physical culture and sports assets, community population and standards of the PC&SS provision. The peculiarities of the procedures of the quality management system implementation of physical culture and sports services by public authorities on the basis of standards have been revealed. It was proved that the presented and substantiated general requirements and warnings should be taken into account and applied in the process of direct development of standards management physical culture and sports system in terms the united territorial communities.
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