Mini- Football as a Special Kind of Physical Improvement of Female Students in the Training Process


  • Oleh Mazurchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Oleksandr Panasiuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Oleksandr Mytchyk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Petro Herasymiuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Anatoliy Khomych Lutsk National Technical University



mini-football, female students, preparation, physical qualities, means, methods


Research Relevance. The main task of the discipline «Physical education» in higher education institutions is the development of physical qualities and motor abilities of students. Student youth’ engagement in diverse sectional classes contributes to the solution of this issue, mini-football in particular, which is acceptable among not only males but also females. The Research Aims to highlight the principal means of ensuring the optimal level of the development of physical qualities of female students engaged in mini-football sections. Research Methods include analysis and synthesis of scientific literature sources, pedagogical observation, generalization of experimental studies of scientists, and systematization of the obtained research findings. Research Results. Motor activity in mini-football is characterized by the wide variety of actions, in particular: different intensity running, walking, jumping, kicks, stops, falls, feints, and the like. Therefore, speed is the most significant quality of female football players. A fast player can gain time from the opponent and can solve tactical tasks successfully. A smart player freely masters new techniques, better adopts to the different game conditions, can accurately, efficiently, and quickly perform new motor skills. Female players deal with the constant own weight and weight of the ball, as they need a rational strength that would meet the requirements of the play activity. During the game, female athletes perform multiple sprint accelerations that require endurance. In mini-football, muscle elasticity and ligaments of lower extremities and spine are very significant; therefore, much attention during training should be paid to flexibility. Conclusions. Education and training in mini-football are integral parts of a single pedagogical process, in which the basic principles should be followed, and excellent results can be achieved only under the conditions of high level of physical and technical preparedness of players. Properly chosen training methods and successful organization of classes are very significant in preparation of a women's team.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Mini- Football as a Special Kind of Physical Improvement of Female Students in the Training Process. (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3(51), 52-57.